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服装系现有教师 13名,专业培养切入人才培养需求,朝着自己的特色发展,即:服装成衣设计与生产管理、服装营销与贸易。主要研究领域包括:(1)服装现代工艺理论与方法(2)服装材料结构与性能研究(3)服装科技史研究(4)服装市场营销与品牌战略研究(5)功能服装研究。随着我国经济体制的重大变革和高新技术的快速发展,该系将不断调整教学计划,更新教学内容,培养社会责任感强、基础理论雄厚、专业面较宽,有一定外语与计算机应用能力的具有创新精神的复合型人才,以适应社会需求。



      副主任:张春明 商蕾






Garment Department: There are 13 teachers in the department, the professional training meets the demand of talent training and the department is developing toward its own feature that is: finished garment design & production management, garment marketing & trading. The main research field includes: (1) modern technique theory and method of garment (2) research on garment material structure and performance (3) research on the history of garment science and technology (4) research on garment marketing & band strategy (5) research on functional garment. With the great transformation of economic system and the quick development of high technology in our country, this department will adjust teaching plan, update teaching content and train innovational versatile talent with strong social responsibility, good basic theory, general knowledge and some capabilities of using foreign language & computer to adapt to the needs of society.

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